From March to August 2018, I worked under the supervision of Antoine Miné at the LIP6 laboratory, in Paris, France. I designed a static analysis by abstract interpretation that detects potential type errors in Python programs.
From February to June 2017, I worked under the supervision of Eva Darulova at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS), in Saarbrücken, Germany. I worked on a static analyser of floating-point programs called Daisy.
From May to July 2016, I worked with Hongseok Yang at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, on “Variational Inference in Probabilistic Programs”. During this internship, we expressed probabilistic programming languages into probabilistic transition systems.
From June to July 2015, I worked under the supervision of Antoine Miné at the École Normale Supérieure, France, on static analysis by abstract interpretation of concurrent programs. I learned how to use the Abstract Interpretation framework to develop, implement and test new methods to analyze concurrent programs more precisely.