I am a research scientist in the SyCoMoRES team at Inria Lille. I hold a Ph.D in computer science, advised by Antoine Miné, during which I worked on the static analysis of Python (and Python+C) programs within the ERC MOPSA project. I have designed with Denis Merigoux a modern compiler for the French tax code, which is being transferred to the French tax administration.
The aim of my research is to improve the quality of software through the field of formal methods, and mainly automated program verification. I aspire to develop and apply methods to the most realistic systems possible. I have a particular interest in implementations of computational laws (taxes, benefits).
These days, I am exploring
I am also one of the maintainers of the Mopsa static analyzer.
I am looking for motivated interns (sample topic), PhD students (sample PhD topic), postdocs & collaborators. Informal inquiries are welcome, feel free to send me an email!
Check out our ESOP'25 preprint on Concolic Execution for Computational Law!
Mopsa won the Silver medal in the SoftwareSystems category of SV-Comp 2025.
Looking forward to attending Dagstuhl Seminar on “Sound Static Program Analysis in Modern Software Engineering”
Looking forward to attending Dagstuhl Seminar on “Testing Program Analyzers and Verifiers”
I have been awarded an ANR Young Researcher Grant to pursue Resource-Aware Conservative Static Analysis (RAISIN), starting Fall 2024!
Gave a tutorial at the Lipari Summer School on Abstract Interpretation.
For our second participation, Mopsa won the gold medal by a long shot in the SoftwareSystems category of SV-Comp. In our first participation, we earned the bronze medal. See more details in our short TACAS paper.
Static Type and Value Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Python Programs with Native C Libraries.
Under the supervision of Antoine Miné - 2018 -- 2021.
APR team, LIP6, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
Formal verification of Static Analyses of Floating-point Programs.
Under the supervision of Eva Darulova - February to June 2017.
Automated Verification and Approximation team, MPI-SWS, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Black-box Variational Inference in Probabilistic Programming.
Under the supervision of Hongseok Yang - May to July 2016.
Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK.
Abstract Interpretation of Concurrent Programs.
Under the supervision of Antoine Miné - June & July 2015.
ANTIQUE Team, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
I strongly believe that academic prototypes accompanying research papers are important to show that a proposed technique works. I care about improving these prototypes to make them usable tools accessible to others, although it takes a lot of effort.
I am proud to be one of the core contributors of the following software:
ECOOP 2024 Aritfact Evaluation chair with Karine Even-Mendoza
Invited editor for STTT special issue with Cindy Rubio González
SOAP 2024 PC chair with Cindy Rubio González
J’ai été jury en Juin 2023 et en Juin 2024 des oraux d’informatique, sur les concours d’entrées aux Écoles Normales Supérieures via les filières MP et MPI des classes préparatoires. Les rapport du jury sont disponibles (2023, 2024)
Depuis Mars 2022, je suis membre du “collège logiciel” du Comité National pour la Science Ouverte.